

澳门威利斯网站所在的社区关系密切, 每个人都很重要,每个人都有贡献

At Miss Hall’s, you will blur the boundaries between learning and living. 你的同伴既是朋友也是同事, and you will learn as much from your classmates as you do from your teachers. 你会成立社团, 加强你的领导才能, 骑马, 编写澳门威利斯官方网站程序代码, 为开放麦克之夜写首歌. 你将学会做朋友家乡的菜, and you’ll meet your teachers’ children (and play with their puppies). And in the winter, you’ll grab a sled and take a few rides down Flagpole Hill between 类.

Things are happening here at Miss Hall’s — and you will be a part of it all.


我们是由我们的社区和我们的关系来定义的. Whether it’s your “Big” surprising you with cupcakes on your birthday, 你的化学老师参加你的钢琴独奏会, or Ginger saving your favorite snack for you down in the School Store — well, let’s just say that you’ll never feel more known than when you’re at Miss Hall’s.

想知道谁会成为你的私人团队? 问诺兰

而不仅仅是已知的 支持. 在寄宿学校社区, 你将有机会接触到老师和工作人员, 所以你可以随时寻求帮助. Older students are always available to answer your questions and show you what they’ve learned, 如果你待在宿舍里, one of our senior Proctors will live on your floor and do a check-in every night. 每个学生都有我们称之为a的东西 个人的团队: a group of four or five faculty and peers who help you through your individual struggles and successes.


“You’ve never learned so much just from having lunch with someone”

At Miss Hall’s, you will live with, learn from, and befriend peers from all over the world. 你们会交换传统, 学习新的舞蹈和音乐, 扩大词汇量, 甚至可以分享一些家里最喜欢的甜点. As one of our students said, “You’ve never learned so much just from having lunch with someone.”

Most important, these relationships are forever — many of our 女校友 say that the friends they made at Miss Hall’s have remained the closest in their lives.

To learn more about some of the ways we work toward equity and inclusion with an international community, 点击这里.




Almost one-third of our students are day students, but it’s often pretty hard to know who is who. 走读学生经常选择熬夜, 和朋友在客厅里闲逛, 在图书馆学习, participating in clubs — we even have a few rooms set aside specifically for when day students want to stay overnight (or in case they just need to store some clothes or extra books during the day). In other words: whether you are a boarding student or a day student, 你们将深深融入我们的社区. 你会成为我们的一员.

I am amazed every day at my daughter’s confidence in communicating her ideas with students on three different continents. Even spread out as they are, the community has never been more inclusive or more supportive.



我们爱吃,我们爱吃得好. Our kitchen staff produces some absolutely amazing treats for us, 谢天谢地,餐厅全天开放, 随时提供饮料和小吃. 一个好的方面是:用餐时间不允许使用电子设备, 所以我们可以专注于彼此和社区.

的 Dining Room also hosts a number of important events for us throughout the year — the ISA Banquet, 体育宴会, the all-important smoothie day — along with regular cooking clubs and more informal gatherings.

当然,我们与周边地区是紧密相连的. 伯克希尔是一个富裕的农业社区, and our food comes from more than seventy farms in the region. We’ve set a goal of locally sourcing 50 percent of the food served on campus — and it’s all super fresh for us, 每天由我们的内部烹饪团队准备.

As with most things at Miss Hall’s, students have a say in how we eat. 的 student-led Food Advisory board works with staff to make sure that the menu is varied and meets everyone’s needs.


At Miss Hall’s, every student helps shape our culture and our community. If you want to start a club, change a policy, or raise awareness, you can — and you should. You’ll practice many types of leadership, and you’ll make campus better for yourself and for others. 赢,赢,赢.



蓝色和金色 represent the colors of the School’s Athletic Association teams. 每年年初的时候, new students are designated lifelong members of the Blue Team or the Gold Team. Blue-Gold competitions are held throughout the year and points awarded to the teams. 的 team with the greatest number of points at year’s end is recognized with an inscription on the Madge Buerger Blue-Gold Cup.

学校之书 is a large ledger with the name of every MHS student who has attended the School. 学生们在加入社团时在书上签名, 表明他们接受学院的核心价值观. 毕业班学生在毕业典礼前在书上盖章, indicating that they have met all the requirements for graduation.

类戒指 are presented to seniors in a special Ring Ceremony each fall. 有四种类型 菜单荣誉统计 ring designed by the Class of 2020; traditional 澳门威利斯网站 seal with carved blue lapis; classic 澳门威利斯网站 signet with old school crest; 澳门威利斯网站 ring designed by the Class of 2005. 阅读更多澳门威利斯网站环传统在MHS.

社区会议 are held on Mondays and Fridays to gather and share news about upcoming events. 的se meetings also feature presentations by student groups, 类, and extracurricular groups; as well as updates from Student Council.

秋收午宴 是由大二的同学主持的吗, 谁负责计划, 设置, 服务, 还有清理. An adult member of the community is chosen by the class to carve the turkey.

创始人的一天 is on or near April 21st, the birthdate of our school’s founder, Mira Hall. 的 school community enjoys strawberries and ice cream, served in the Quad.

送行仪式 是在学年的最后一周举行吗. Each faculty member "sends the class forth" with a special wish or bit of wise counsel.

高级开拓者 are dark blue with the MHS seal and are worn by seniors only. In the spring of their junior year, rising seniors purchase their blazers. 毕业典礼的前一天晚上, the outgoing senior class presents each incoming senior with the new blazer in the Snake Dance Ceremony. 阅读更多澳门威利斯网站MHS高级开拓者的信息.



With teachers who are as supportive as they are experienced, your academic journey will be tailored to your individual interests and passions

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